What is the Revenge of the Mummy?
Revenge of the Mummy is an enclosed roller coaster officially named Revenge of the Mummy: The Ride. The theme came from The Mummy film franchise. Further, the ride features linear induction motors that launch park-goers from standstill to a top speed of 45 mph (72 km/h) within a few seconds.
Where is the Revenge of the Mummy located?
The Revenge of the Mummy ride is situtated at three parks. These parks are Universal Studios in Florida, Hollywood, and Singapore. Universal Studios Florida holds this ride at the New York City section park. Park-goers at Universal Studios Hollywood can find this ride at the park’s Lower Lot part. Finally, universal Studios Singapore holds this ride at the park’s Ancient Egypt area.
Does Revenge of the Mummy Go Backwards?
The ride does not go backward. Instead, Revenge of the Mummy is a forward-moving roller coaster. Riders travel from a standstill to 45 mph in a matter of seconds. This enclosed roller coaster is themed after The Mummy film franchise and features linear induction motors that launch riders from 0 to 45 mph in seconds.
Does Revenge of the Mummy Have Drops?
Yes, there are drops in Revenge of the Mummy. The roller coaster stands 30 feet tall and has no significant dips. The trip is relatively brief, but it will attempt to fool you into thinking you are traveling through large drops. Just check the Hollywood edition with the lighting turned on.
How Scary Is Revenge of the Mummy Ride?
Some park-goers may find it terrifying, while others may find it tolerable. While it isn’t the most extreme coaster, it is dark and has a lot of unexpected visual effects. There are a few tiny dips and sharp twists. It is most likely not appropriate for very young park-goers.
How Bad Is the Revenge of the Mummy Ride?
While it isn’t the most thrilling coaster, it is dark and filled with surprising visual effects. There are a few minor dips and abrupt turns. It is most likely not suitable for highly young park visitors. Universal Studios Hollywood features a gentle version of the rollercoaster for people who want to enjoy the thrill without the horror.
Is the Revenge of the Mummy Ride Scary?
No, the Revenge of the Mummy ride is not frightening. Though it can be frightening for people who have a phobia of coffins and projections from the underworld, it’s only gloomy and has a lot of unexpected effects. There are a few minor dips and abrupt twists. It is most likely not suitable for highly young park-goers.
Does the Revenge of the Mummy Ride Go Upside Down?
No, the Revenge of the Mummy ride does not go upside down. Instead, the roller coaster is a forward-moving coaster that travels from 0 to 45 mph in seconds. It is based on the Mummy film series and includes linear induction motors that propel riders from a standstill to a top speed of 45 mph within a few moments.
Is Revenge of the Mummy Intense?
No, the Revenge of the Mummy is not intense if you only ride it once. The average amount of rides per day is around six or seven. However, you may experience slight nausea after riding this coaster many times in a row because of its rough movements, tight turns, and sudden stops.
Does the Revenge of the Mummy Ride Have Loops?
No, there are no loops on the Revenge of the Mummy ride. This attraction is a forward-moving rollercoaster that can accelerate from a stop to 45 mph in seconds. The thrill ride has a linear electric motor that propels riders from 0 to 45 mph in seconds and rises 30 feet in height with no notable dips. Visitors to the park walk through Eastern compartments and see representations of A Mummy.
Is Revenge of the Mummy Fast?
Yes, Revenge of the Mummy is a swift ride. Riders can expect to reach maximum speeds of 45 mph on this coaster. The roller coaster has no loops or drops, but its sheer speed makes up for it.
Can I Handle Revenge of the Mummy?
Yes, however, you may feel slightly nauseous after experiencing this coaster several times in succession because of the harsh motions, tight bends, and unexpected stops. However, it includes high-speed launches, incredible dives, and airtime and seems even more out of reach since it is in the darkness. You should manage the Mummy if you can manage the other adrenaline rides. After that, however, be ready for a more ferocious trip.
Does Revenge of the Mummy Cause Motion Sickness?
It is possible to experience motion sickness after riding the Revenge of the Mummy ride multiple times in a row. The coaster has abrupt twists, tight turns, and sudden stops that cause nausea. However, this ride is not as intense as some of the other rides at Universal Studios.
How Tall Is the Drop on Revenge of the Mummy?
The Revenge of the Mummy coaster features minor dips or loops, and while they are as short as 12m, the ride compensates with its incredible speed. On this coaster, riders may anticipate achieving top speeds of 45 mph. The thrilling coaster has a linear electric generator that accelerates park-goers from 0 to 45 mph in seconds and soars 30 feet tall with a few significant drops.
Is Revenge of the Mummy Ride a Roller Coaster?
The Revenge of the Mummy Ride is a roller coaster, albeit an enclosed type of coaster. The ride is powered by linear induction motors, which propel riders from a standstill to a top speed of 45 mph in a couple of seconds. It is based on the film series The Mummy and involves sharp bends, sharp corners, and rapid pauses. On this rollercoaster, park-goers may anticipate achieving top speeds of 45 mph.
Is Revenge of the Mummy Still at Universal?
Yes, Universal Studios still has Revenge of the Mummy. The coaster debuted in 2004 and has become one of the theme park’s popular destinations.
How Tall Do You Have to Be to Ride Revenge of the Mummy?
Revenge of the Mummy requires park-goers to be at least 48 inches tall. This roller coaster is not suitable for pregnant women or anybody terrified of heights. Because the experience incorporates high-speed launch, frightening dives, and then-out turbulence, it may not suit everybody.
How Tall Is Revenge of the Mummy Ride?
The Revenge of the Mummy Ride is 44.4 feet or 13.5 m tall.
How Fast Does Revenge of the Mummy Go?
Revenge of the Mummy can reach speeds of up to 45 miles per hour. On this coaster, riders will encounter sharp twists, tight bends, and unexpected stops, which may produce mild nausea. This rollercoaster isn’t as thrilling as some of the other coasters at Universal Studios, but it makes up for it with its tremendous speed.
When Does Revenge of the Mummy Close?
Revenge of the Mummy closed last January for scheduled maintenance. It will remain closed for the said period until summer for maintenance.
How Does the Revenge of the Mummy Ride Work?
Linear induction motors power the Revenge of the Mummy Ride and other Universal Studios attractions. This attraction is intended for riders aged 12 and above or with a height of 48 inches or larger. Also, the coaster has a peak speed of 45 mph and boasts rapid turns, sharp turns, and dramatic pauses.
Is Revenge of the Mummy in Islands of Adventure?
No, Revenge of the Mummy is not located in Islands of Adventure. Instead, this ride is in the park’s New York City section (of Universal Studios Florida), Lower Lot part (of Universal Studios Hollywood), and Ancient Egypt area (of Universal Studios Singapore).
What Is Revenge of the Mummy Ride Like?
Revenge of the Mummy is one of Universal Studios’ most popular rides. The trip reaches speeds of up to 45 mph, including high-speed dips and violent bends, and lasts around 2 minutes. You can try getting the Single Rider Line if you suffer sickness or other forms of overstimulation while experiencing this rollercoaster.
What Kind of Ride Is Revenge of the Mummy?
Revenge of the Mummy is a roller coaster. It is, however, an enclosed roller coaster. The ride is propelled by linear induction motors, which accelerate riders from a stop to a peak speed of 45 mph in a matter of seconds. It has abrupt turns, sharp corners, and sudden stops. Riders on this rollercoaster may expect to reach high speeds of 45 mph.
What Park Is Revenge of the Mummy in?
Park-goers can find Revenge of the Mummy in three parks. First, they can find one in the Universal Studios Florida’ New York City section. The other two are in Universal Studios Hollywood’s Lower Lot section and Universal Studios Singapore’s Ancient Egypt area.

My name is Olivia Smitherman. I’m a travel writer and theme park enthusiast! Florida has some of the best theme parks in the world. I love them all. Each time I visit a theme park, I gather tips and advice that I share with you, my readers. See my bio for more information about me.