Olivia Smitherman

My name is Olivia Smitherman. I am a freelance writer who specializes in travel articles. My goal is to provide my readers with the most helpful travel information possible.
In addition to traveling writing, I am the primary writer at parktourist.com. Growing up, my family spent many holidays at Disney World in Florida, which sparked my love of theme parks.
Because I now live in Florida, I thought it would be a worthwhile idea to create a blog that focuses on Theme Parks in Florida. Since I am near the parks, it isn’t difficult for me to visit them and share my experiences.
As I read other theme park blogs, I noticed that most of the advice is targeted to Floridians who might regularly visit the parks. The blogs cover every aspect of the park, so returning visitors always learn about something new to make each visit more memorable.
First time visitors to any of the parks in Florida, however, might find all of these blogs overwhelming. This is why I decided to pitch to a freelance client of mine the idea of creating a theme park blog geared towards first-timers.
That’s how parktsourist.com was born!
I try to take first-timers through the parks from start to finish. To begin, I give travel advice and directions to the park. I lead visitors step-by-step through each, from the entrance to exiting!
I also offer suggestions on what to do if there are any problems along the way.
I provide information on where to find the best food, photo opportunities, and even some places to rest your feet. I also give tips on how to make the most of your time at the park and how to avoid common mistakes.
Disney World, Legoland, Universal Studios, and SeaWorld are the theme parks I’ve covered so far. I will update the blog with new parks as I visit them over time!
If you’re planning a trip to a Florida theme park and you’re not sure where to start, I hope you’ll check out the theme parks I’ve covered so far on this blog.
Feel free to follow me on:
- Quora: https://www.quora.com/profile/Olivia-Smitherman-1/answers
- Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/Olivia_Smitherman
- Dibb: https://www.thedibb.co.uk/forums/member.php?u=146930
- Coster Buzz: https://coasterbuzz.com/Member/83282
- Parkz: https://www.parkz.com.au/forums/profile/38933-olivia_smitherman/
- Tripadvisor: https://www.tripadvisor.com/Profile/Olivia_Smitherman